Friday, March 27, 2009

King Lear: I had never read or seen King Lear. PBS advertised a showing, so I decided I would read it and then watch it. So I did. It is quit interesting, which I guess is a really stupid thing to say of a play that has been around for 400 years.
King Lear had three daughters. It is about his old age and the things that happened to him and the girls. It is also about his friend Gloucester, who had two sons, one legitimate and on illitimate. Talk about a TRAGEDY. It was so sad. Well I guess families can have problems.
Otherwise we had a major snowstorm and neither the garbage man nor the mailman showed up. I don't blame them. Carol

Friday, March 13, 2009

I had a very busy day, church this mornng, the gym, lunch with the girls, a trip to visit my aunt, tea with Patti, and then I picked up the car from the dealership and picked up dog food for Quince.
I wonder what I will be like if I make it to 93, like my aunt.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

I am re-reading "Gone With the Wind." It is one of my favorite books and I am reading it with I HOPE new insight.
I was watching an old show on tape last evening. A news cast came on. Clinton was president and the DOW was around 6,600. Interesting.
I am starting to have flowers in the yard.
I want to finish all things important early in the week as I am superstitious about the Ides of March.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

wow, it is March 1 and I am glad. Perhaps it is the end of "the winter of our discontent."
Last night I went to "Pops and Pasta" presented by the Greeley Choral. The did a song "senza catene" which I think is The Unchained Melody. beautiful