Sunday, August 9, 2009

I feel like this is new years eve. I have been thinking about all the things that have happened in the last year. I became a grand mother to two teenagers and a baby.
I traveled to Boston. I am going to Thailand.
I get to help do day care for my little Evelyn.
I have my health including my eyesight and my hearing.
I have friends and family who love me.
I have old friends and new friends.
I have plenty of money for my needs and some for my wants.
Somethings have made me sad. The worst was seeing a dog being given away at a garage sale because the owners were losing their house.
Last week, I tried to help the dog catcher catch a dog who was scared and running around because the owner had dumped her out.

So these are the things are not so good. I have closed three banks in the last year: my insurance agent has retired: my car dealership has closed and three people I know have lost jobs there.
I was almost struck by lightening and my plants got hailed on. I had to go to the dentist and I hated it. My car needs some work on it and my doctor is no longer seeing patients.
I think my good list is so much better and LONGER than the changes list.
Besides, except for the lightening and hail, all these things are changes for me and we had a minister who always said, "change is a chance for growth" even though I hated it when he said that.
This last year, since last July, 08 has been a time of change for me.

I have become a grandmother of a baby and last May 08 became a grandmother of two teenagers. )

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I just finished reading a powerful book, The Snakehead, by Patrick Raddon Keefe.
It is specifically about the smuggling of human beings into the US for profit from China and generally about smuggling people all over the world.
It is very upsetting to me to think how some people exploit others, but it also helps me understand Grandpa Lew and some of his attitudes that I didn't understand before.
But since it is upsetting I don't want to write about it right now. I need to digest it a little.